
足部医学博士 威尼斯赌场网站的项目 足病医学院(TUSPM) 是四年, patient-focused doctorate program that prepares students to become specialists in the prevention, 踝关节疾病和损伤的诊断和治疗, 足部和下肢. 的 curriculum blends coursework with instruction in preclinical and clinical sciences. 研究生s will be well-prepared to pursue postgraduate residencies and pass the two-part National Board Exams required to obtain their license to practice.

足部医学医生研究肌肉的相互作用, bones and nerves in order to diagnose and apply practical treatment techniques to ailments spanning nail disorders, 锤脚趾, 足跟疼痛, 骨折, 扭伤或更多. Foot pain can affect the whole body and indicate a much larger health issue. 比如关节炎, 糖尿病, and heart and kidney disease have symptoms that can manifest first in the lower extremities making podiatrists essential in the early detection of serious health problems.

At TUSPM, the patient experience is just as important as the treatment we deliver. 足部医学博士课程的学生从 专家教师 如何将人的因素融入到足部的实践中. 可以访问 多个设备 以先进技术为特色, students get a hands-on education that leaves them ready for the next phase of training as residents.

项目毕业生将进入他们的 外科住院医生 能够评估病人的一般医疗状况, 包括药物和可能的药物相互作用, 当他们处理下肢问题时. 的y will have the skills to determine whether symptoms result from a localized disease or indicate a larger systemic disease.

图片来源:约瑟夫五世. Labolito


TUSPM位于 费城一个繁荣的城市, full of renowned institutes of higher education and teaching hospitals where students can complete their clerkships, 获得实践经验,发展专业关系.

患者体验. 在TUSPM,我们的项目将患者放在最前沿. 我们的学生不仅培养了他们的临床才能, but also learn the importance of a patient-focused approach and compassionate care. This enables our graduates to become more effective members of a healthcare team, 每一步都要优先考虑病人的体验.

实习培训. 作为一名TUSPM的学生, you will have access to on-campus surgical and clinical skills labs where you can hone your techniques and competencies. 除了, 在TUSPM经验丰富的教师的指导下, third-year students receive practical training in patient care at the 足踝研究所每年有超过32,000名患者就诊. 

强大的网络. TUSPM is part of 威尼斯赌场网站, which has a comprehensive allopathic 健康科学中心 and a healthcare system that owns and operates four hospitals and the 足踝研究所. 的se resources provide options for you to complete your required externships within a familiar system and, 如果你选择, 继续你在坦普尔医院做足科住院医师的临床训练.

学生支持. 通过精心安排进入小型咨询小组, TUSPM helps you develop strong relationships with faculty whose practical experience and mentorship are often the basis of lifelong associations.

程序的格式 & 课程   

的 足部医学博士 at TUSPM is designed to prepare students for clinical practice in podiatric medicine. 的 curriculum includes didactic laboratory and workshop instruction in the preclinical and clinical sciences as well as 20 months of supervised clinical practice. With a total of 196 credit hours, the program is designed to be completed in four years.

学生必须通过考试的第一部分 美国足病医师执照考试(AMPLE) 为了毕业,我已经尝试了AMPLE第二部分. Part I of the exam addresses basic science and is taken at the end of the second year. Part II is composed of a written portion that covers clinical areas and the Clinical Skills Patient Encounter component that evaluates competency in clinical tasks. 


  • 第一年: One semester each of preclinical science instruction and clinical science training.
  • 第二年: 全年继续进行临床培训.
  • 第三年11个月的临床培训和内部轮岗.
  • 一年四: 10个月临床培训, a one-month community clerkship in private practice and a one-month clerkship in a hospital.


  • 生物化学
  • 临床神经学  
  • 足部和踝关节放射学  
  • 一般解剖学  
  • 一般的整形外科 
  • 一般足病原理导论  
  • 下肢解剖
  • 儿科足部和踝关节矫形  
  • 物理医学与康复  
  • 足、腿再造术原理  


学费 & 费用

为了与坦普尔大学对获取和负担得起的承诺保持一致, this 足部医学DPM offers a competitive level of tuition with multiple opportunities for financial support. 

学费 rates are set annually by the university and are affected by multiple factors, 包括课程学位水平(本科或研究生), 课程负荷(全日制或非全日制), 居住在州内或州外, 和更多的. 










学费和杂费可能会有变化. 你可以看到完整的 Cost of Attendance breakdown on the Student Financial Services website.